Tuesday, April 8, 2014


      The students  here have a wonderful option of attending BYU-H.  Of course, they must first pass an English exam.  This seems to be the hardest part for them to do.  We administer the exams - either the SLEP test or the Michigan test.  Sometimes the kids take both exams and hope that they will do better on one or the other.  Often they need to complete English courses here and try the exams again. The returned missionaries from English speaking countries tend to have an advantage.
      The option to attend BYU-H comes  with some great incentives for the island kids.  The I-WORK program pays for everything - tuition, housing, food, books, travel, etc.  The student must be temple worthy.  The student agrees to work at the Polynesian Cultural Center in exchange for everything.  Here again - almost always these are returned missionaries.  We have about eight applications currently in the loop.
      Above is Danick Hilliman and below is Spencer Tokalolo!!!!  Danick is planning on studying agriculture and agribusiness.  Spencer wants to be a social worker with the people here.

      Last Sunday, our first two students left for BYU-H.  We are so excited for them.  We hope that this is an omen of many more to follow.  By the way, one of the big requirements for the I-WORK program is that the students need to commit to returning to their home country to build up the church.  These are the future leaders of the church and of the country.

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