Saturday, May 18, 2013

Vanuatu Wedding

      Remember Elder Anderson's address at the April Conference?  He talked about couples not getting married because of old customs of doweries, etc. He was talking about Mozembique.  The same is true here in Vanuatu.  Friday there was a wedding at the branch.  The couple have been together for years.  They have several children - some adults  They have also been attending church for a long time.  Because they were not married, they were not allowed to get baptized.  In fact, the branch president is the groom's brother.  It was a lovely afternoon service - wedding party and all.  I only had my camera at the very end of the event.  I did get a few pictures.  Now the next step is for the family members to get baptized!

  Today we took copies of the pictures that I had taken and gave them to the bride at church!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and Honoured in the presence of our God Almighty!
