Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Dentist visits Vanuatu!

      Dental health is one major concern here in Vanuatu!  Many people are missing teeth - sometimes all of their teeth.  For two weeks we have had the pleasure of having the Roth's with us.  They are serving a full time dental mission in Samoa.  Apparently, the church has three full time dental clinics world wide - one is in Guatemala, one in Tonga, and one in Samoa.
       Dr. Roth and his wife met at dental school in Portland, Oregon.  That is where Dr. Roth joined the church.  They are very dedicated.  Several times a year they pack up all of their equipment and head to other island countries.  We could use dental help much more often than two weeks a year    Any volunteers, Steve?!
      This is the 'waiting room'.  They lined up outside the 'office'.  The office is set up in the Family History Office.  I wish that I had a picture from the next day. Word spread quickly, and there were over forty people the next morning.  Each person filled out a dental request form, and they waited their turn. 
      Obviously, it is impossible to see everyone.  After the first week, it was clear that we needed  to restrict it to only prospective missionaries and those in pain.

       Dr. Roth and Marie Joe - she had a very badly abscessed tooth.  Many of the members that were seen could only have teeth removed.  They had let the problems get so very bad.  Now we know why so many of the people are missing teeth.  When it gets unbelievably painful, they get the tooth pulled.
      This is Annie as the dental assistant.  She is the Port Vila District Primary President.  She is also the organist/pianist in Branch 2.  She is going to computer software school.  She has three teenage children.  Even with all of this, Annie served in the dental office for the whole two weeks.  She was there early and had everything set up.  She was there late and cleaned everything up.  Annie is amazing.  She is very bright and picked up on things so quickly. We are very impressed with her dedication and determination.

      Sister Bennion promoted herself to Dental Receptionist.  She greeted everyone and helped them fill out the form.  She had the very hectic job of keeping everything as orderly as possible.  Usually Sister Bennion is in charge of the Church Distribution Office here at the branch building.  After five hectic days, she quit.  Enough hassle! 
      Leku, the Seminary and Institute secretary, took a turn for one day.  Then it was my turn the last two days.  It was like old times, Uncle Ted!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Lesson in Bislama!

The following is the Young Women's Value Statement:

ol spirit pikinini gel blong God, mo laef blong mifala
i gat mining, stamba tingting, mo rod blong folem.
Olsem ol sista raon long wol, mifala i joen i kam wan
ples long bigfala wok blong yumi long Jisas Kraes,
Sevya mo Eksampol blong mifala.  Mifala i
 ol woman
blong fet, gud fasin, visin, mo bigfala lav we mifala i:
Leftemap ol testimoni blong mifala long Jisas Kraes
tru long prea mo skripja stadi.
Lukaotem paoa blong spirit taem mifala i
stap folem ol toktok blong Tabu Spirit.
Spenen ful taem blong mifala blong mekem olgeta
mared, ol famle, mo ol hoas oli kam strong moa.
Faenem stret fasin olsem wan mama mo
glad olsem wan woman.
Glad long seves mo ol gud wok.
Lavem lael mo fasin blong stap lan.
Stanap long trutok mo fasin blong stap stret mo gud.
Sastenem prishud olsem atoriti blong God long wol.
Stap glad long ol blesing blong tempol, andastanem
ples ia we i hae tumas we mifala  i mas kasem, mo
trae had blong kam olsem God.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Port Vila District Conference

      We had a wonderful district conference on Sunday, September1st.  Elder and Sister Kevin Pearson from the area presidency were here.  They gave excellent talks.  The Saturday meetings were very enlightening for the members.  Some of our local priesthood leaders gave powerful talks.  The leadership sessions were very well attended.

      On Sunday, the count was 986 in attendance.  The chapel was full and the cultural hall.  There were tents set up in the courtyards front and back.  They had TV systems playing the conference live. It was an amazing meeting.  The church is really growing and strengthening here in Vanuatu.  President Pearson said to pray unceasingly for a stake here in Port Vila.  It will happen soon!

      Clyde and I had a chance to visit with the Pearson's after the meeting.  Jared and Spencer Pearson were students at West High School years ago.  Jared and John Keller wrote my theme song their senior year.  It was good to catch up.  Elder Pearson will be conference calling with us soon.  There are many educational issues to discuss.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Getting Caught Up

      We are way behind on this blog.  We were gone for ten days to Michael and Lisa's wedding in New Jersey.  It was a wonderful event.  We surely enjoyed seeing all of our children in one place.  That does not happen very often.  The wedding was absolutely beautiful - as was the bride.  We are waiting for pictures.  We will share as soon as we are able.

      Since returning to Vanuatu, I have been down with a sore throat and hacking cough.  Everyone thinks that I got sick on the many plane rides.  It definitely is a great deal of travel time, but it was completely worth it all. 

      Now we are back to work - to the work needed for these good members to achieve self reliance!